Wednesday, December 16, 2009

#6 Dave Cooks the Turkey

Stuart Mclean's writes a humorous story called Dave Cooks the Turkey, this story is about Dave getting the job to cook his family's Christmas turkey dinner. The funny way Dave does this is told throughout the story. The main technique Mclean uses in his story to create humor is the ability of the reader to relate to the comical situations in the story. Dave and his wife Morley start arguing because Morely is stressing about Christmas and Dave is playing down its seriousness. Which then progresses into the two sleeping in separate rooms and not talking to eachother. Every family knows that parents usually start arguing about something that is really stupid so that situation everyone laughs at. Dave is in bed on Christmas eve when he realizes after Morley asks him if he took the turkey out of the freezer that he did not even get a turkey yet. So Dave must go out at the last minute in the middle of the night to go get a turkey. Many men can relate to this as most of the time men are not prepared for Christmas and often forget and have to do things at the last minute. Dave does get the turkey and the next day he attempts to cook it. Morley however set a timer on the stove and Dave doesn't know how to turn it off so he cant cook the turkey at home. He realizes he is in trouble so he grabs a bottle of scotch and has a drink. Again another easily relateable subject for the readers. When most people are stressed out they will have a drink to calm down. Just the bizarre situation of Dave's dilemma makes it even more funny when he grabs a drink.