Friday, November 20, 2009


I believe that P.E should not be manditory in grades 11 and 12. Students in thier senior years are mature and responsible and should be able to choose what they want to do. By forcing students to take classes it does not prepare them for the real world where they have to make their own choices. If all students are forced to take it then the class wouldent be good. Some of the students that dont want to be there would bring the class down. Gym class should be for the people who want to be there and it is not fair to make students that dont want to do it, take the class.


I believe that P.E should be mandatory in grades 11 and 12. With all this talk about how the world is getting fat (especially the usa) why not get young adults into healthy habits of daily exercise? This would make people more likely to continue these activities when they leave school. The more healthy people are it is overall better for our society. If people had daily exercise every day it would cost way less for hospitals and clinics. The mood of people would be better because healthy people are happy! And by starting to teach people to do this at a younger age it will stick with them for years to come.